
Who is a General Practitioner?

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Who is a General Practitioner?

A GP – General practitioner - is a doctor who has a medical practice in which he will be able to treat all types of illness.

The GP doctor is a primary stone in the best practice international health care system in the world as he guides the patient through his medical journey using a holistic treatment approach.

As a doctor, the GP is able to treat acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and provides health education to patients of all ages.

The GP will be able to decide what is the next step for you, whether you have to follow a treatment plan or you need to go to see a doctor in a specific specialty. As he guides you through your journey, he will prescribe your needed lab tests or scans before you go to the specialist.

GP roles tend to be focused on the care of chronic health problems; the treatment of acute non-life-threatening diseases; the early detection and referral to specialized care of patients with serious diseases; and preventive care including health education and immunization.